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March 19, 2009



I'm not so sure about joining but I am getting back on the Wii fit wagon today in celebration of spring!


yep, I'm in. I am so sluggish and need a push.


It's going to be fun!!!!

Jen B

Ok - I'm in (I've let things go too far up here in NH) and maybe this is the push I need to get moving.


i'll join. i've already lost 11 lbs since january so a new incentive is just the shake-up i need.


Well, I suppose I could join, since I need to get back into regular exercise, but I have a feeling I'm not going to be trimming down the waist, bust, hip measurements over the next 12 weeks.


I'm in! I have the advantage of having a trainer, is that kosher??


Great idea! I'm in, having just hit the road again this week after a running break.


I'm in! Spring is time to pull out the bike. And I've decided to give the 200 situps program a try, since it's free and online. And maybe try to work the Self Magazine challenge, which I sign up for every year and never get past the first week of...

It's time for a change!


Oh, like Maryse I've been doing well since winter, but a new challenge for spring would be good!


...um, I just made a batch of fresh marshmallows... I don't suppose today is the day for me to start a new regime!

I do really need to try to cut down on the desserts though, it's getting out of hand, and now that I'm a mom and nearing 30 (just a few months away) I feel that my golden metabolism is slowing.

That's not a promise to change, just a realization! ;-)


Great job you guys!


I'm in too! I've been watching what I eat for a few weeks and have lost 3 lbs. but I sorely need to add exercise to my routine. Great idea!


Sign me up. I have so many events happening this spring, it sure would be nice to feel better about myself :)


Yes, I am in- grumble grumble


What fun!


I'm joining but I'm banking on the random prize ;-) Putting the three together sounds like a HUGE number.


I'm in, I need to get into better shape, I'd like to be able to keep up with the kids when school lets out.


I'm totally in. Great idea!


Bookmarked this post and thought about this all day yesterday; checked out 200 situps and printed out their totally cool tracker; made a date to check out a Zumba class next week with a friend...

I'm off to weigh and measure... I guess that means I'm in.
; )


I'm in! I think things like this work better with someone else (or a group) I'm much more motivated when I'm not alone.

Great idea!


I'm in, I've been trying to get back into tri training anyway.....


I'm joining...now to get over my mountain of using the wii fit while the teenager watches me. ;op


This was meant for me - I just purchased a Wii today and have the Wii Fit on order. I also was just measured this morning (I've been doing a new eating program for about a month now). This is just the motivation I need to keep going!

What a great idea!


I need a boost to my "get healthy" goal. Count me in. Maybe I'll give myself a yarn reward!

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