As the year draws to a close, some of my pals are thinking about their word for 2014 and their new word for 2015. Always one to jump on project or discussion that's a group effort (that sounds SO much nicer than calling myself a lemming), I've been evaluating my 2014 word and trying on some words for 2015.
My 2014 word was "focus." I was anything but focused in 2014! This year brought a lot of stuff from every direction. And while I picked focus at the beginning of the year and intended to get my proverbial and literal house in order, it didn't happen. And I felt bad about it! Clearly, it was not the right word for me or not the right word for last year.
Happily, with every new year, we begin anew.
This year, I've given a lot more thought as to what the next year may hold and what word will help and guide me. I've considered a lot of good words that would work - love, kindness, authentic. They are all GREAT words. What I need right now, however, is a word that's all of those -- loving and kind and authentic, but that's also a manta. I'll share it with you after the ball drops!
With love and friendship and wishing you a fabulous 2015!